Find free World day against child labour Graphics Resources Stock Photos, Graphics, Vectors, Illustrations, Icons & png download free by

World Day Against Child Labor The World Day Against Child Labor is held annually on June 12. it's a world day to boost awareness and prompt action to prevent child labor altogether of its forms.   Download The International Labour Organziation (ILO) launched the planet Day Against ...

Find free best International Day for Biological Diversity Day Graphics Resources Stock Photos, Graphics, Vectors, Illustrations, Icons & png download free by

International Day for Biological Diversity The International Day for Biological Diversity was first established in 1993, when the 29th of December was selected to serve as the day to educate the world of the importance of Biodiversity. This was later changed to the 22 of May in 2000. Too many ...

Find free best International Tea Day Graphics Resources Stock Photos, Graphics, Vectors, Illustrations, Icons & png download free by

International Tea Day to be celebrated on May 21 each Year as UN has accepted India's recommendations. Download The United Nations has announced to celebrate International Tea Day on 21 May, accepting India's recommendation. India proposed it about four years ago. India presented this ...

Find free best World Telecommunication and Information Society Day Graphics Resources Stock Photos, Graphics, Vectors, Illustrations, Icons & png download free by

World Telecommunication Day and Information Society Day The World Telecommunication Day and Information Society Day is celebrated each year on 17 May around the world. The day was formerly called World Telecommunications Day, but in November 2005, the World Summit on the Information Society called ...

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