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World Day Against Child Labor

The World Day Against Child Labor is held annually on June 12. it’s a world day to boost awareness and prompt action to prevent child labor altogether of its forms.


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The International Labour Organziation (ILO) launched the planet Day Against Child Labor in 2002. Since then, the day has focused attention on the prevalence of kid labor throughout the planet and therefore the action and efforts essential to eliminating it.






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What is Child Labor?

A boy during a gray t-shirt carries a stack of bricks on his back
The International Labour Organization defines child labor as “work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, which is harmful to physical and mental development.”

Not all work done by children is child labor. Activities that contribute to a child’s positive development and supply skills and knowledge for them to become productive members of society aren’t child labor.

According to the ILO, child labor refers to figure that:

• Is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful to children.
• Interferes with their schooling by.
• Depriving them of the chance to attend school.
• Obliging them to go away school prematurely.
• Requiring them to aim to mix school attendance with excessively long and heavy work.

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